
Integrated Annual Report 2014

Results and prospects

In this Chapter:
  • Business environment

    The key factor that had a strong impact on both the global and Polish petroleum markets in 2014, with significant consequences for the LOTOS Group’s performance, was the price of crude oil, which also determined the price of petroleum products.

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  • Letter from the Vice-President of the Board

    2014 ushered in a series of challenges for the companies in the fuel sector. The decisions made by the LOTOS Group have demonstrated that we are able to take rapid steps to adapt to a demanding environment and ensure the desired profitability for our projects.

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  • Segment performance

    The segmental management model we have implemented enhances management efficiency, delivering cost and revenue synergies across the organization.

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  • Sustainable development

    Our efforts undertaken in the social and business spheres, in our relations with key stakeholders and in corporate governance are aimed principally to increase our positive contribution to social development, to mitigate possible adverse impacts of our operations and to maximise our chances for sustainable development over the long term.

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